Speed Writing.

writing-a-bookI am working on writing the first draft of my next novel.  I have been researching ways to speed up my workflow, however I have come to the conclusion that I am not an efficient writer.  My outlines are the barest of bones and my plot summary usually is about one sentence long.  When I do start writing I edit along the way as well as try to fill in all the details that make a story a story.  With my last novel, this gave my story some deviations I had not anticipated, because my characters kinda took over.

Characters are the backbone of the story.  They are the thing that drives the story along and causes it to either soar or crash into a lake and sink.  I usually have a good idea of my characters way of thinking.  I have a general backstory and then I play out some dialog in my head.  Once I can here their voice the rest falls in pretty easily.  The problem I have is that when I get into the writing groove, my characters tend to say things I don’t really expect.  This can change things in the story, sometimes subtly like the character preferring orange soda over grape.  But sometimes it can actually work to change the whole story if I am not careful.

I was talking about speed writing though. I have been trying to do this whole speed writing thing because I think it suits the nature of the kinds of stories I want to tell.  I grew up reading the likes of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Lin Carter, and L.Sprague De Camp.  I loved the way they wrote!  They told an exciting fast paced story that focused mainly on the characters.  I enjoy writing those type of fast paced action novels, so it only seemed natural to try to speed write.
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Speed writing is a direct brain to paper (or monitor) type transaction.  You start writing and you let your brain spill forth without hindering it with any filters or editing.  The point is to get the story flowing and let it take you where it wants to go.  The trick here is that you want to guide it, otherwise you will end up taking your river of thought straight to the ocean of way off track.  An outline helps here.  If you can put together a decent outline, then when you start writing you have an idea of the direction to go.  This way you keep your story on track.

I will be updating my progress periodically and hopefully it won’t be long before I have a rough first draft!

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